Sunday, September 04, 2005

In the beginning...

If the Bible had been written today would start with "In the beginning was the blog"? Hi! Welcome to my blog. Thanks for stopping by. Why start a blog, especially when everyone else is blogging to? No, I'm not jumping on the copycat parade with everyone else. I started this blog for two reasons, I enjoy writing and I was curious about the technology. Huh!?!!
As corny as it sounds writing is therapeutic for me. It allows me some time to myself and a way to release my pent up thoughts and feelings. I have always enjoyed writing, not because I want to publish it for the masses or to read later, but for the mechanics of putting words to paper. If I or nobody else reads this I don't care I've had a few minutes to myself and have let go a piece of myself to the cosmos. In the past I've always had trouble with my writing endurance, my follow through. I'd start writing, maybe in a new journal or digitally, and then I stop because it's not worry it or something came up. Hopefully writing a blog will motivate me to keep writing.
I was interested in the technology behind blogging tools, php; css; xhtml; databases; etc., and I thought that by writing a blog I would be more motivated to learn about the "science" behind it. By trying to add something to my blog, such as my photo, I'll have to muck around with the code and will, hopefully, learn something about it.
Well, that's it. I hope to add to this weekly so please check back. If you have any comments feel free to add them under the comment link. Red